Budget one-pan all-day breakfast


  • 1 tbsp light olive oil

  • 8 x Eve Smallgoods Pork & Parsley Breakfast Sausages, cut into chunks

  • 6 spring onions, finely chopped

  • 200g mushrooms, thinly sliced

  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed

  • 400g cherry tomatoes, halved

  • 400g tin baked beans

  • 4 large free-range eggs

  • ¼ tsp sweet smoked paprika

  • 40g feta

  • 2 tbsp finely chopped flat leaf parsley, to garnish


  • Heat the oil in a large, wide frying pan. Brown the sausages for 2–3 minutes, then remove from the pan and set aside.

  • Add the spring onions and mushrooms to the pan and cook over a medium heat for 3–4 minutes, or until softened. Add the garlic and fry for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, beans and sausages and simmer for 20 minutes or until the sausages are cooked through.

  • Make four wells in the mixture and crack the eggs into them. Cover the pan and steam for 6–8 minutes, or until the whites are set or cooked to your liking.

  • Sprinkle a little paprika over each egg, crumble over the feta and spoon into bowls. Garnish with the parsley and serve immediately.


Chorizo Tapas


Smoked bacon, sauerkraut, cauliflower & white bean soup