Choose Aussie-grown… for goodness sake

We all love a pork sausage, but did you know that imported pork makes up approximately 75 per cent of the meat used in Australia’s processed pork sector?

Shockingly, a number of the sausage brands sold in Australian supermarkets contain as little as 10% Australian ingredients; which could well account for simply the water content in the sausage!

Product labels are now required to declare the country of origin and percentage of ingredients from Australia. (Note that ‘Made in Australia’ does not mean ingredients originate from Australia; merely that the product was manufactured here).

Only Australian pork is permitted to be sold fresh in Australia. Imported pork must be processed or cooked before entering the country and mostly originates from Eastern Europe and North America.

Eve Smallgoods sources 100 per cent of the quality fresh meat ingredient used in their sausages from local, Australian producers. Australian pork producers adhere to strict food quality and safety guidelines and all meat is hormone-free. This ensures consumers that choose products made using Australian pork ingredients, get the highest quality and safest pork meat in the world.

Eve Smallgoods take pride in supporting Australian farmers and keeping food manufacturing on-shore. For consumers of our pork sausages, Aussie pork means peace of mind.

Find out more about how we keep our emissions footprint low and care for country by requiring farm producers be certified for animal welfare and sustainable agricultural practices.


Beware mechanically de-boned meat (MDM)


Clean Food