Eve has always been Sin Free

You’ may have noticed an emphasis being placed on our sin-free approach to manufacturing. This assures consumers that they’re eating products that are sourced locally in Australia from farms that are certified as being committed to sustainable agricultural and animal welfare practices.

We only purchase quality meats that are free from hormones and we don’t add artificial colours to our products. We refuse to add preservatives such as sulphite and we steer clear of additives such as dextrose. Our products are pre-cooked and must remain chilled.

We achieve astounding flavours by using traditional methods and extremely high quality herbs and spices. The difference this makes can be immediately tasted, and your body will thank you as well.

Our new labels declare our commitment to wholesome ingredients, traditional methods and consideration of those who enjoy sausages, but who have dietary constraints.

Please refer to our Sin Free page for more info.


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